
The following are a collection of links to other sites that you might find useful.

Dictionaries and Reference Material

John Florio’s World of Words (1611) A useful text searchable Italian-English dictionary.

The Accademia Della Crusca website provides a text search of five of their earliest Italian-Italian dictionaries (1612, 1623, 1691, 1729-1738, and 1863-1923 editions)

A. Cappelli’s Dizionario di Abreviature latine et italiane (1912).  This is an online version of Cappelli’s listings of Latin and Italian shorthand.  This is a critical if somewhat frustrating resource for anyone studying Italian manuscript sources.


Wiktenauer is the largest Database and research site servicing the HEMA community.

Scola Artis Gladii Treatise Database. This site is primary bibliographic, but, does contain a considerable number of links, it also contains information on subjects associated to fencing such as duelling and military drill.

The Raymond J. Lord Collection hosted by the University of Massachusetts in Amherst contains several manuals and essays.

William Wilson’s Elizabethan Fencing Page has been a long time resource for Italian manuals from the sixteenth and seventeenth century.

Henk Pardoel’s Fencing, a Bibliography, (Multi M/IT Publishing) is another bibliographic database of fencing literature.

Hroarr maintains a database of Manuals.

The Academy of Renaissance Martial Arts maintains a digital library.

HEMA Italia maintains a digital library